
Showing posts from June, 2015

My Final Thoughts as a Domuschola Graduate

Receiving my high school diploma Last year, to leave Domuschola International School was an imminent plan.  I yearned to attend a school with a winning football varsity. Who would have thought that 12 months later, I was savoring every little moment I had spent at this school at my recent graduation? Yes, a few days ago, on May 29, 2015, I was standing at the podium, giving an inspirational message to the school, and to inspire and uplift my fellow graduates.  With classmates (new and old) and teachers I will always remember this day when I was surrounded  by my loving and caring classmates and my hardworking teachers whom I will sorely miss because it was at that moment when I fully appreciated what they all did for me.  Mix that up with emotions and you got a fifteen year old who had sweat in his eyes.  Amidst all the goodbyes, it was then that I realized that a year ago, I wanted to leave this school.   I understood how se...

3 Things I Learned About UWC

UWC Philippines' 2015 Reunion Party with Alumni, future scholars, and host sponsor Gigi Virata (daughter of Cesar Virata) Around two months ago, I was given the privilege and honor of a scholarship to attend the Li Po Chun UWC in Hong Kong for my two year IB Diploma Program. I am really excited to go there this August. Just last week, I attended the Global Citizenship Summer Program, a series of talks and activities aimed to introduce us to UWC and what being a Global Citizen is all about. Before I start, here's a little about UWC colleges, taken from their website: UWC was founded in 1962 with the vision of bringing together young people whose experience was of the political conflict of the cold war era, offering an educational experience based on shared learning, collaboration and understanding so that the students would act as champions of peace. We remain committed to this goal today but have expanded our reach to embrace the tensions and conflicts that e...