Opening a new chapter in my life: Li Po Chun UWC

Picked up at the airport by Lyndon (USA) and Sophie (Belgium)
Hey guys! I know it’s been quite a while since my last post, but I think you’ll be interested to know what happens in this update! A few days ago, my family and I arrived at Hong Kong International Airport at 11:40 pm. Yes, it was nearly midnight, but get this, it took 30 minutes to get past immigration, and another 20-25 minutes to get our luggage. By the time I met the outstanding and warm UWC welcome (which I REALLY appreciate, being there at 1 in the morning), I was exhausted. Thanks to the patience and hospitality of Lyndon and Sophie (both Second Years), though, I was snapped wide awake, and so began the first days I had at LPCUWC of Hong Kong!
With Filipino second year ate Ferna Simbulan
The next few days were mostly filled with getting to know the other students at Li Po Chun and about the campus itself. Aside from many other first years like me coming in, I had the chance to tour the Academic block, Student dorms, Canteen, Gym, and Assembly hall. They were all well taken care of by the very welcoming staff.

With roommates Carlos (Panama), Alex (Brunei/HK),
and Thomas (Germany/HK)
Those few days passed by very quickly, and so came “Orientation Week”, where all of the first year students were formally introduced to and oriented with the campus and our activities. It isn’t even half as boring as it seems, instead it’s full of fun activities and lively presentations by our second years. We also had the Quan Cai (IB CAS) Fair. Activities like Dragon and Lion Dance, Kung Fu, Soccer, Dance, Music Production, among others, were all proudly presented and promoted.

Jose, Gloria (Hong Kong), and I at the "special dinner"
right before the music night performances

Then came the excitement of Music Night. This is a presentation done by most students that showcases their musical ability. Most people performed in groups, and so did I. I played and sang Viva la Vida by Coldplay along with the Filipinos Kelsey, Aisyah, Jose, and Ferna. I felt really proud because I was able to project a good image of Filipinos- that we are musically inclined.

Music Night!
After Orientation Week was done, all of us settled in to our classes. History, Math, English, Business & Management, Spanish, and Physics are the subjects I chose. The classes are mostly about introducing the topics/syllabus and doing further reading, for now.

My first two weeks here at Li Po Chun UWC have been fun, exciting, and exhausting. I really appreciate how the second years have all accepted us. A big thank-you to UWC Philippines, my family and friends, and God. As cheesy as this may sound, I still wouldn’t have been here without you. Thanks, and until next time! 



  1. Nice update Migs. As always, mighty proud of you!

  2. Great update! We are all happy to hear all those exciting but exhausting activities! We can't wait to hear more...God bless on your journey and may you soar on wings like an eagle.

  3. Great entry! Good job Migs, sending you a PM.


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