More than a month later...

Hi guys! It has been more than a month since I arrived here at Li Po Chun UWC Hong Kong, and I would like to update you on how its going over here.

Students and teachers at UWC Day, a mural in the middle.
The first few weeks here have been a rush, to say the least. Among meeting new classmates, studying (in fear) for pop quizzes, and trying to get to classes and extra-curricular activities on time, there was little time to do anything. UWC Day (and at the same day International Peace Day) helped all of us change pace. The photo below is the mural made using used CDs, spare thread, and cloth by all of the Li Po Chun UWC students.

Mural made of used CDs, spare thread, and cloth

Each individual CD was decorated by us, and symbolized how different we were from each other and how beautiful we were individually. But what was more important was when we linked them together. It symbolized how we could do so much better together no matter our differences, which embodies the UWC mission and values.

At music night 2.0 (sorry for bad camera angle)

Then the second music night came. I performed twice, with Matthew (Hong Kong) and Jasmine (Hong Kong). It felt good to help people showcase their singing talents especially if they are struggling with playing guitar, and that's exactly what I did. 

Our first Change of Pace Day (at Sai Kung Beach, Hong Kong)
Most of us were exhausted and stressed out because of studying for multiple tests, but earlier today we had a break. We call it a "Change of Pace" day, because we do something different than academics and the usual extra-curricular activities. Today we went to Sai Kung in Hong Kong, hiking and then going on to the beach. A fun filled day gone by, talking to friends and making new ones, I realized that today was not just a break from everyday life, but a chance to live college life fully, socially, academically, and through fitness.

Leo (Paraguay) and I having a "serious" meditation stare
at a break in the hike

I think I am finally beginning to feel the effects of LPC's and UWC's experience. I hope to be writing to you guys again soon, until the next migsAdventure!



  1. Balanced academic, social, and spiritual life is a hard goal to reach especially in a faraway place where you seemingly have the freedom to indulge your personal wants. But you are obviously doing very well in all areas, Migs! Your self-discipline and personal drive are manifested in the activities you mentioned. Impressive is an understatement. Getting more proud of you this month, Migs! God bless!


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